Czech Regional Contact Michaela Rygrova will be giving today’s International Region Network Update with Diana Zanelli, the Barcelona Regional Contact. She is also the second Burner to answer our 21 Questions with…
1. How did you get your Playa name?
I don’t have one. Misa is my nickname.
2. What’s the best meal you’ve eaten on the playa?
Ice cream. It was around noon on open playa. I have no idea how people got ice cream there. It was the best meal ever. And of course bacon.
3. In one sentence, what do you actually do all day in your region?
I’m an art production manager, so I do what I love which is art, music and different projects. I don’t really distinguish between work and fun, so I have work and fun at once all day long.
4. When was your first Burn?
5. What was your first impression of Black Rock City?
When I first rolled up to the gate and I had to first go outside of the car, I was a little bit scared because people were saying it was a harsh environment. But when I got out the first second, I thought I need to come back here.
6. When was your last Burn?
7. What’s was your most memorable regional event experience?
At the first regional event in Lithuania close to Vilnius. I went there and helped set the event up, enjoyed it and it was really cool.
8. What’s your drink?
9. Tent or RV?
I lived in both. To be honest, RV is much better.
10. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Do what you love and love what you do.
11. What is your greatest fear?
My greatest fear is that I will stop living—not that I’m dead, but stop living a life.
12. Which historical figure or famous figure do you most identify with?
Michaela Rygrova!
13. Which talent, skill would you most like to have?
I have what I need, but I really would love to learn welding.
14. What is your favorite piece of Burning Man swag?
It’s a little pendant in the shape of The Man made of nuts and bolts.
15. Ever been run over by an art car?
Not yet.
16. What do you love most about your region?
Our community is just starting to get together. I love their faces when they see something from Burning Man because they are all virgins. They are really excited to work on CORE project and they are so excited to go to Burning Man for the first time this year. I love that—the anxiety and energy which they will put in it.
17. Which principle is most meaningful to you?
18. No shower, solar shower or water truck shower?
Solar shower.
19. Where do you go to be alone on the playa?
In a temple.
20. What makes someone a Burner?
Attitude—the way of life and thinking.
21. What is your favorite button/motto?
I’m NOT a greeter.
Check out our previous Burner profile with Barcelona Regional Contact Diana Zanelli or other 21 Questions with…
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